Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Reel world

Exam time is never easy.Really,it's not.

I hate studying more than anything I can think of,apart from someone sodomising me repeatedly with a sharp knife,but thats besides the point.At this point, I have oen exam,Law, down and 3 more ahead of me,two of which are in the next two days. The Monday exam being European Cinema.

Now,I love cinema.I love movies.I love taking in the little things that make a movie amazing,like camera angles,Devices used to change scenes etc. What I don't like,however, is answering questions like:

"How important was the French New Wave in the trajectory of contemporary European Cinema and what were its main Characteristics?"


"Can you seperate the technique of film making in "Triumph of the Will" from the political reality that surrounded it?"

While these are perfectly relevant questions in divining an understanding the movies in relation to the social situation they were made in...I don't think that this is what I signed up for.In short,I feel a little gipped.I wanted to watch movies and look at cool stuff behind them,symbols,unwasted space and relate them to theoretical perspectives.This isn't really done.I mean,yeah,theres the odd question in the papers that suggest we can do this but not entirely.

I've bee finding lately that my entire course isn;t exactly what I signed up for.In the last two semesters or so I've had to study quite a bit of "philosophy" as it were.While I love this,just opening your mind to know what you already know,be more than self-aware Its not what I went to college to do.I went to college to get a degree.So I can get a...y'know,job.

It just doesn't seem fair that they can fuck with our futures like that.

Although,I guess that's what awaites me in the Real world,as a result of the reel world.

1 comment:

UberApe said...

Sodomising you repeatedly with a sharp knife?

It's Dave, isn't it.