Monday, September 8, 2008

The Real World.

Wow.4 Posts in all of 2008,this one is excluded of course, compared to the 11 in the dying months of 2007.Wow.

Although,I haven't had the time.Leaving University really makes a huge difference to the amount of disposable time that one has.Fortunately its made up for in disposable income.That is correct.I have a job,business cards and all and its...Good,I guess.I get paid pretty well for what I do and I do it to a reasonable degree.

In addition to all of this I've graduated and got my degree sharing a day with friends,which, could be for the last time with some...or just the last time for a very long time with others.

I've moved on to another band, singing with a metal band "Full Shred" that some of my best friends had been part of since before I knew them. I've been a fan of their music for quite a while,really enjoyed what they did and now I'm a part of it. I played my first gig with them 2 days ago.It was alot of fun.I gave it loads,they gave it loads,the crowd received us well and good times were had by all. We also got some prospects out of it. It was a properly great time.

So my life is starting to take shape, to a degree. I have this job, but its not wha tI want to do for the rest of my life. I've got bigger plans.

The real world is only as real as we perceive it to be in the situations we find ourselves.

Damn, thought I'd lost all my knowledge of philosophy...

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