Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Those All-nighter Blues...

As the title suggests I've got those all-nighter blues. I'm currently in the process of writing an essay for my Visual Cultural Studies class.Well,I'm pretty much done except that I've to have it proof read.Because,y'know, I've been up for 20 hours right now and one tends to get a little delirious after that amount of time sans sleep.Also, I'm all hopped up on sugar,so excuse the ramblings.

One thing I learnt tonight...I have good games and bad games when it comes to Halo 3.I also learnt that I am one of the best snipers I've ever seen.I was picking off my housemate, much to his Chagrin.Oh yeah,he was pulling an all-nighter too until his assignment "wasn't coming together".pffft.All I care about is kicking his ass at halo.Which hasn't happened yet.

It's 4.40 in the AM right now.My other housemate has to be up for work in an hour and ten minutes.He doubted I could pull an all-nighter.Despite the fact that this is my second one this week.Yeah,you heard me.I'm badass.I think I'll stay up just to prove him wrong.Because I'm spiteful that way.

I got Bruce Springsteen on my i-pod,"Glory Days", good little song.I'm enjoying it.Now,wheres that Cite-it-rite book gotten to?I need that to cite my essay.Why is it that things that you need are never there when you need them?Is it a fact of life that someone hasn't let me in on?Pffft.That idea bores me.

Oh yeah,Figure I should probably let whoever is reading this (if there are actually people reading this(I'm yet to receive a comment...) know,this is likely to be the first of a number,at least a trilogy of all-nighter blogs.I mean,FYP season is right around the corner...

An hour five minutes left...fuck.

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